CC via Flickr by stevegarfield
吃早餐時看Twitter,看到Guy Kawasaki推這篇文章,就點去看看。過去一年來,我們所實驗的一些想法,這位Brian Storm的演講不都提到,而且清清楚楚?自己索性也不用再整理、再寫了,節錄以下重點,當做2008的註腳,也為2009,未來的堅持,打上一劑強心針吧!(Brian Storm成立了一個MediaStorm網站,看完他的文字後,值得去逛看看。)
The right question to ask yourself at that moment is what business am I in?
Am I in the horse and buggy business? Or, am I in the transportation business? Are you in the newspaper business? Are you in the magazine business? Are you in the broadcast business?
Or, are you in the business of storytelling?
Think about the companies and products that have only recently changed our lives:
How did we get rid of our junk before eBay?
How did we find our way before GPS?
How did we waste our lunch hour before YouTube?
The Wii.
Really, your parents played board games like Monopoly and Yahtzee.
They watched commercials too. No TIVO.
Can you imagine a world without Google? A world where you can’t do reconnaissance on your blind date?
What did we do before:
And of course, iPods.
Did you know that iTunes recently passed Walmart as the number one retailer of music in the world?
I’m so excited I just twittered.
I don’t think the communications revolution that we are going through is about some reinvention of storytelling or journalistic creed.
The way we tell stories has evolved over the years, but beginning, middle and end still works. Ethical and accurate information will still rule.
I think the revolution is happening because of access. Access to powerful tools and access to global distribution in an increasingly connected planet.
Quality is what people care about. It’s what they are trying to pinpoint in a sea of information. It’s what they will forward to their friends when they do find it. It’s what they will blog post. We had one guy in Russia do a blog post about a story on our site and for a week straight our traffic was up 15 X. All coming from Russia with love.
One guy spread the virus through Russia with a simple blog post.
This surge of connectivity is another recent innovation that I’m hugely optimistic about. I think it’s the greatest hope for restoring quality journalism.
It is one of the most exciting times in history to be a young journalist. You have an almost limitless palette of storytelling tools, an audience unbound by physical borders and the most powerful communications technology ever developed at your disposal.
延伸閱讀:密蘇里新聞學院演講全文--University of Missouri School of Journalism Commencement Speech